Sunday, 25 May 2008

Chelsea Flower Show

Was I the only one to go to the Chelsea Flower Show?
Email your pictures but you can see some here >
Chelsea Flower Show

Some people think it was too green, well I agree, not enough flowers outside, instead it is being replaced by fancy grasses and ornaments of every description.
For 2 months of the year the gardens at Chelsea are subjected to an invasion of tents,lorries and stamping people, the poor birds in the neighbourhood could hardly hear their young calling out for all the noise going on. It will take a long time to get back to the natural free space it was before all this was started.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Brightwalton Fete and Dog Show.

This is a longer version of the Fete Video with more of the fabulous Dog show.
Produced by Di Evans, Brightwalton.